Monthly cost just: | (Invoiced Quarterly) |
Options - check box for price, click on link for details | |
Clear all extra cost options | |
Free classified directory listing | |
Advertising package | |
Entry in catalogs page | |
Simple web site hosting | |
Web site hosting | |
Own domain name option with either of the above ( | |
Classic Car Dealer Inventory List | |
Shopping cart catalog | |
I am interested in the selected options but am under no obligation. I understand this will cost per month. |
Free Classified Listing We will list your business free in our classified directory listing. All we ask is that you keep the details up to date. Examples of updates would include area code changes, changes of email address, or the addition of a website address. Depending on the type of business, your listing will be found when a visitor to our site performs a particular search of our database. Your name will appear among others supplying the same type of service.
For example if someone looks for Chevy truck parts suppliers, here is the list he or she gets.
Advertising Package In addition to the free classified listing, we highlite your listing in its
category, provide you a slot in a rotating banner on our homepage, and a permanent text
link on our homepage. The top frame of our site features constantly rotating scrolling banners
which will include your business name, and this list is searchable under a growing list of categories. All banners and listings can point directly to
your already existing website or to the provider details page on our system. This banner frame is
always visible throughout the time a visitor is browsing our site. Lastly we are providing a
growing list of alternate entry points to our site - each is focused on a single make of vehicle
and we feature your banner permanently on this page as long as you subscribe to our services.
An entry in the catalogs page This includes the advertising package
described above, and also adds an advertisement for a catalog of your parts/services on our extremely
well frequented catalog page. Catalogs featured here are usually available online, or can be ordered
online. They do not have to be our shopping cart catalogs.
Simple Web Site Hosting - Example This lower cost service is designed for companies
who want just a simple low cost virtual store front to advertise their presence on the web. It
provides a web presence of up to four pages, containing static information, (text, photos, sound
etc), and the option of a mailback information form. If you require dynamically built pages, for example extracting information from databases, or
more than four pages, you should consider our standard web hosting plan
described below. Both web site hosting packages include our advertising package (a $15 US monthly value)
Web Site Hosting - Example This provides larger websites to businesses who require
more than four separate web pages, or who wish to provide dynamic information on their sites. This
is considered our normal web hosting plan, and we are willing to accomodate any reasonable requirements. The
simple and lower cost plan described above is designed for companies whose needs can be met
with just a few static pages of information. Web site hosting includes our advertising package (a $15 US monthly value)
Please note that for extremely complex
or large sites we reserve the right to increase our quoted price. For example we allow you a standard
5 Megabytes of disk storage for your site, and charge an additional $3 US per month for each extra megabyte. In
practice this will almost always only affect you if you have a large database, or many image files.
Own Domain Name option If you are interested in either of the web site hosting opions we provide, your internet address is normally of the form For a small additional monthly charge we can provide you a name of the form Note
Classic Car Dealer Inventory List See an example
This is designed to allow classic
car dealers to easily and inexpensively maintain a full or partial inventory listing online.
Shopping Cart online Catalog - See an example Specially designed for classic car parts vendors, we have received many words of praise on the ease of use of our shopping cart catalogs. You may put online all, or as much of your parts inventory as you wish, and online orders can, and probably will, start flowing in from around the world. Features include -
Startup onetime cost applies if you wish us to initially build the parts database. Also the monthly cost will be increased by $3 for every extra Megabyte of disk storage after the first 5. This will normally only happen if you wish to include a lot of pictures in your catalog Back to service selector
Our Discount Policy We normally invoice you three-monthly, and your invoice will arrive in arrears, about a month before the current quarter year expires. This provides you the option of informing us whether you wish to continue for another three month period when you pay the invoice. We do however offer attractive discounts for those who are willing to commit to longer terms, and pay in advance. Currently we offer the following
Why should I have my web site hosted here?
A good question! There are literally hundreds of places you can go for this service. However we
think that some or all of the following points will make a good case for us
Set FileObject = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set HtFile = FileObject.OpenTextFile ("c:\inetpub\wwwroot\counts\classerv.txt")
Application("CCSERVHits") = HtFile.Readline
If Not IsNumeric(Application("CCSERVHits")) Then
Application("CCSERVHits") = 1
Application("CCSERVHits") = Application("CCSERVHits") + 1
End if
Set OutFile = FileObject.CreateTextFile ("c:\inetpub\wwwroot\counts\classerv.txt", TRUE, FALSE)
Set Outfile = Nothing
' Set FileObject = Nothing
response.write " " Application.Unlock %> |